New York Sexual Harassment Lawyers

Are You Being
Sexually Harassed at Work?


Sexual Harassment Doesn’t Need to Be Physical To Be Illegal

Sexual Harassment Includes:

If YOU feel that an uncomfortable workplace situation exists, or that you are being treated differently than if you were a man, then you are experiencing Illegal Sex Discrimination.

If you Have Been the Victim of Sexual Harassment At Work – DON’T QUIT. We Can Help You Protect Your Job and Your Rights.

Once we learn about your situation, we can explain the options available and how we can help.

Deborah O’Rell, Client Advocate

Tell Us What Happened

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Since 1999 we have been New York’s women’s rights in the workplace law firm. As sexual harassment lawyers, we have helped thousands of women subjected to illegal and wrongful acts of sexual harassment and discrimination at work, and those who have been illegally terminated.

You have rights. Sexual Harassment in the Workplace is Illegal. If you’ve been subject to illegal harassment at work, you are entitled to compensation. And if you have been illegally terminated, you may be entitled to back pay, future compensation, attorneys’ fees, and even punitive damages.

As Sexual Harassment Attorneys, We Can Help. 

Tell Us What Happened

Call 212.766.9100, Text, Or

Deborah O’Rell, Client Advocate

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