Wrongful Termination

New York Sexual Harassment Lawyers

If You’ve Been Wrongfully Terminated, We Can Help

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Since 1999 we have been New York’s women’s rights in the workplace law firm. We have helped hundreds of women (and men) subjected to illegal and wrongful workplace treatment and those who have been illegally terminated.

You have rights. If you’ve been illegally terminated, you may be entitled to back pay, future compensation, attorneys’ fees, and even punitive damages.

Let Us Discuss Your Options and Rights With You

Once we learn about your case, we can explain how we can help. Because there are important time deadlines by which a case must be filed, please call us immediately at 212.766.9100 or complete the contact form below.

What Should You Do Right Now?

  1. You are not your job. Your loved ones still love you.
  2. Know that illegal termination is wrong; it not your fault.
  3. File for unemployment – immediately. Unless you are receiving disability benefits, you don’t want to risk losing unemployment benefits to which you are entitled.
  4. DON’T file a complaint or charge with a governmental agency, such as the EEOC, BEFORE speaking with a qualified employment lawyer. Filing a complaint or charge can directly impact the course of action available and your future options. Speak to a qualified employment attorney first. Then, if you want, you can file a complaint on your own.
  5. Learn whether you have a valid claim – get experienced legal advice. Our firm focuses on wrongful termination and other workplace claims – we can evaluate your case, and there is no fee or obligation. We often accept wrongful termination and illegal workplace claims on a contingent fee basis, meaning you will not owe us a fee unless we recover for you.
  6. Be mindful of filing deadlines. Statutes of limitations for filing charges or complaints vary depending on circumstances such as whether it’s best for you to file in federal or state court.  It’s best to speak with an attorney as soon as you can to ensure preservation of your rights.

Let’s Talk!

Call Me
About Your Case

Hi, I’m Deborah.
When you call our office, you will most likely be speaking with me. I am here to answer your initial questions and to get information so we can determine how best to help you. The call is free and completely confidential. Learn your rights. I invite you to call me now. Or fill out the form below.

Firm Client Advocate

Deborah O’Rell

Tell Us What Happened

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Tell Us What Happened

Call 212.766.9100, Text, Or

Deborah O’Rell, Client Advocate

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