Hi, my name is Debrah O’Rell with Tuckner Sipser, an employment discrimination law firm. Today’s question is, Can I be Fired if I Make A Complaint to HR? And that answer depends on what you complained about.
If you complained to HR about a coworker’s smelly lunch, or a manager who’s not distributing work fairly or equally, then yeah, they may find you annoying and they may be able to fire you.
But if the complaint you’re making to HR has to do with a protected status that you feel you’re being treated differently or held to a different standard because of your age, race, gender, nationality, sexual orientation, religion, disability, pregnancy, and you’re not allowed to be sexually harassed, then you may have a protected complaint. Because if you experience negative backlash for making that complaint, they may just have added retaliation to your complaint.
Don’t quit. Call a lawyer first.