Women’s Rights in the Workplace

Wrongful Termination Video Series


As New York wrongful termination lawyers, we represent men and women who have been fired from their jobs for illegal reasons. Watch our Women’s Rights in the Workplace Wrongful Termination Video Series to learn what constitutes as wrongful termination in New York.

What Comprises Wrongful Termination?
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Can I Be Fired for Reporting Sexual Harassment?
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Can I Get Fired if I Report Being Sexually Harassed by a Client or Customer?
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If I Complain that I am Being Discriminated Against at Work Will I be Fired?
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Can I Be Fired for Something I Didn’t Do?
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Can I Be Fired for Storming the Capitol or Other Free Speech?
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Can I be Fired for Being Late from Vacation?
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Can I be Fired if I Complain to HR?
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Can You Be Fired for Political Opinions?
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Can I Be Fired for Stealing Despite Being Innocent?
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Fired for Fighting? Replaced by the CEO’s Daughter?
Click Here to Read the Transcript

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Deborah O’Rell, Client Advocate

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