Women’s Rights in the Workplace

Pregnancy Discrimination Video Series


Are you being discriminated against at work because you are pregnant, or do you think you are but or not sure? Watch our Women’s Rights in the Workplace Pregnancy Discrimination Video Series to find your answers to these questions and more.

As New York Pregnancy Discrimination Lawyers we represent women who have been discriminated against at work because they are pregnant. If you believe that you have a pregnancy discrimination case please contact us. Once we have had a chance to learn about your situation we can then explain the best options for you.  

Is It Illegal To Have My Baby Bump Belly Touched By Coworkers?
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Pregnancy Discrimination Act Turns 40
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Can You Express Milk in Your Workplace?
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Reasonable Accommodations in the Workplace for Pregnant Employees
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Does My Boss Need to Let Me See My Doctor When I’m Pregnant?
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Are You Pregnant & Suffering Severe Anxiety During the Health Crisis?
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Lactation and Work: Your Rights
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No-Fault Attendance Policies Often Illegally Discriminate Against Pregnant Women
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Texas Abortion Law, Right to Choose & Continued Employment While Pregnant
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Coronavirus in the Workplace
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No FMLA – Yes Maternity Leave
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Nothing’s More Important than the Health of Your Baby
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CT Fair Employment Practices Act – Much More Protective for Pregnant Employees
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Must Employers Meet the Reasonable Needs of Pregnant Employees?
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Breastfeeding at Work
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Pregnancy Discrimination: What to Do?
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It’s the Best time Ever to be Pregnant and Working! Find Out Why!
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Pandemic Pregnancy Firing
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Can I Refuse to Travel if I’m Pregnant?
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What do You do if You are Discriminated Against at Your Workplace?
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NY Times Says Pregnancy Discrimination is rampant. What Rights do You Have?
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Motherhood Penalty Causes Gender Pay Disparity
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FMLA, No. Maternity Leave, Yes.
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Can I Breastfeed My Baby or Express Milk at Work or in Public in Connecticut?
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Deborah O’Rell, Client Advocate

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