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Sexual Harassment Shocker – FOX CEO Roger Ailes Sued by Anchor Gretchen Carlson

In a shocking development, FOX CEO and Chairmen Roger Ailes was sued by long-time FOX anchor Gretchen Carlson for sexual harassment and other inappropriate conduct.  Among the allegations alleged by Ms. Carlson:

  • Ailes unlawfully retaliated against Carlson and sabotaged her career because she refused his sexual advances and complained about severe and pervasive sexual harassment at the workplace.
  • Ailes stated: ‘I think you and I should have had a sexual relationship a long time ago and then you’d be good and better and I’d be good and better.
  • Ailes further stated “sometimes problems are easier to solve” that way.” (purportedly referring to the previous comment about them sleeping together).

Ms. Carlson claims that she was subsequently wrongfully fired by FOX.

What’s New in This Case?

Other that the high profile litigants involved, and assuming that the allegations are true, there is not much difference in this case than in the thousands of other cases across the nation involving sexual harassment, discrimination, retaliatory treatment, and wrongful termination.

Although federal and state law protections have long been in place, CEO’s, managers, and those in positions of even minor authority in companies large and small across the United States continue to engage in illegal workplace sexual harassment and discrimination.  Usually, the aggressors believe that their conduct will be immune, as if there is no direct proof, the case will be a “he said, she said” in terms of proof.

However, not all of these cases are simple “he said, she said” cases.  In many situations there are others, often at the managerial level, who are well aware of the wrongful conduct occurring, and who fail to take any action to stop it.

Alarmingly, these same people would never permit such treatment if it occurred to their wives, daughters, mothers, or other important females in their lives.  Thus the double standard continues in many companies.

As women’s rights in the workplace attorneys, our firm has long been committed to standing up for women and protecting their rights to be free from any form of workplace sexual harassment or discrimination.  If you believe that you are being sexually harassed or discriminated against based upon you gender, call us.  Learn about your rights, and how we can protect you.


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