Championing Caregivers: A Guide to Workplace Accommodations with TSWS
At Tuckner, Sipser, Weinstock & Sipser, LLP, we understand the pivotal role workplace accommodations play in supporting caregivers, particularly those…
At Tuckner, Sipser, Weinstock & Sipser, LLP, we understand the pivotal role workplace accommodations play in supporting caregivers, particularly those…
According to Maternity Care Deserts (2022) Report by March of Dimes, access to maternity care is decreasing in the parts of the U.S. that need it the most, affecting nearly 7 million women of childbearing age and some 500,000 babies.
Pregnant employees face a unique set of pregnancy-related stressors as they anticipate giving birth. Many pregnant women understandably experience anxiety regarding job security. Despite federal, state and local governments passing laws that protect pregnant employees, we still have a long way to go before pregnant employees feel entirely safe and empowered in the workplace.
Despite making numerous gains in the last 30 years, women still face significant challenges in the workplace. Here are eight laws that protect women in the workplace.
If you are pregnant and suffering severe anxiety right now about giving birth during this coronavirus (COVID-19) health crisis, your employer must take that into account and be flexible with you due to your current pregnancy-based limitations.
You’ll quickly learn in vetting attorneys that there are many different approaches to fighting pregnancy discrimination legally… I highly recommend checking out Jack Tuckner’s podcast for a more comprehensive overview of your options.
Your pregnancy-related severe anxiety regarding giving birth in a hospital during this escalating and unprecedented American coronavirus pandemic is covered by the law.
The United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) answered questions related to the intersection of COVID-19, pregnancy and the workplace, among other workplace questions.
Tens of millions of employed Americans have no paid sick or family leave available to them to cover their own…
I mentioned in a video here last week that if you work for any employer in New York City and…