WorldPride NYC 2019: The 50th Anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising

We were at the WorldPride NYC 2019 which commemorated the 50th Anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising yesterday. Following are some photos we took at the event.

Elizabeth Warren’s new proposals to ensure reproductive rights are radical, and necessary

Elizabeth Warren’s new proposals to ensure reproductive rights are timely, radical, and necessary.

Diversity in the Boardroom: Minorities and Women Grapple with Wage Gap

According to the latest data released by Catalyst on May 1 this year, whereas in the top S&P 500 companies, women comprise almost 44.7% of the workforce, only 5% of women hold any position equivalent to that of a CEO. Likewise, 89% of top earners in the corporations happen to be men.

Gender Pay Disparity: Overworked Men, Undervalued Women

Current debates on gender gap disparity are timely. Claudia Goldin, an economist at Harvard argues that women don’t step back from work because they have rich husbands; they have rich husbands. because they step back from work.

Gender Expression, Gender Identity Protection Bill Now Protects You in New York

Gender Expression, Gender Identity Protection Bill that will amend the New York State’s Human Rights Law to protect all binary gender, nonconforming employees, and transgender employees from discriminatory treatment.

Hostile Work Environment: How to Protect Yourself?

If you identify that the hostility is arising because of something about you as a woman, or a person of color, or because of your age, or your disability, or some other protected status, then it is illegal.

Breastfeeding at Work

Under federal law, since 2010, women returning from maternity leave who are breastfeeding, nursing parents – are entitled to a clean, private, non-restroom, non-bathroom space in which to express milk; to take a break and to lactate on a similar schedule to what your baby would be doing, nursing, if you were home, two or three times a day. Otherwise, it’s very painful, you can develop mastitis, it may interfere permanently with your ability to breastfeed, and it’s illegal.

Your Rosa Parks Moment

If you’re going to have your Rosa Parks moment, make it count. Make sure you document, document, document the complaint, and all follow up to the boss, to the HR department. Whatever happens, put it in writing. Hold their feet to the fire. Stand up for yourself. The Rosa Parks moment, Circa 2018 in the workplace.

Happy July 4th! Paid Maternity Leave Finally a Reality in NY!

Here’s one thing all pregnant working women in the United States now have in every State in the Union, and that’s the right not to be treated differently, not to experience hostility, backlash, a diminution, a degradation to the terms or the conditions or the privileges of your employment because of your pregnancy, because of your childbirth, or because of a related medical condition.

NY Times: Pregnancy Discrimination Is Rampant Inside America’s Biggest Companies

The New York Times reviewed thousands of pages of court and public records and interviewed dozens of women, their lawyers and government officials. A clear pattern emerged. Many of the country’s largest and most prestigious companies still systematically sideline pregnant women. They pass them over for promotions and raises. They fire them when they complain.