What are the Statutes of Limitations for Filing Equal Pay Claims?
If you are a woman and illegally being paid less than a man performing substantially equal work at your company,…
If you are a woman and illegally being paid less than a man performing substantially equal work at your company,…
Attention, New York employees—this new Equal Pay Law’s a game-changer! This past summer (2019) New York state expanded its Pay…
Effective January 6, 2020, New York State will become the eleventh state (with New Jersey about to become the twelfth),…
Are you being paid less than your male counterparts? Learn about the laws that protect you against illegal sex-based unequal pay, also known as gender pay disparity.
(Republished from InStyle Magazine, Nov. 21, 2019) Maternity leave isn’t going to help a woman who’s being demoralized at work…
Are you being paid less than a man at your company, even though you are performing the same work? Learn about your rights under the federal Equal Pay Act.
Women soccer players earn a maximum of $99,000 in total during the course of a 20-games season – $4,950 per game, while the payout for the male players is an average of $263,320, or $13,166 per game.
According to the latest data released by Catalyst on May 1 this year, whereas in the top S&P 500 companies, women comprise almost 44.7% of the workforce, only 5% of women hold any position equivalent to that of a CEO. Likewise, 89% of top earners in the corporations happen to be men.
Amazon has announced raise in minimum wage for all its employees, beginning November. The $15 hourly wage has been arrived at after a prolonged phase of international workers strikes as well as demands domestically by minimum wage activists.
If you are a woman being paid less than a man, or treated worse than you should be treated at work because you’re a woman, because you’re pregnant, because you had a baby, because you took some protected disability leave either while you were pregnant, or after your baby was born, and now you are being penalized for it, or punished for it, you have to oppose it.