Candidates Finally Talked About Paid Leave — But They’re Still Missing the Point

(Republished from InStyle Magazine, Nov. 21, 2019) Maternity leave isn’t going to help a woman who’s being demoralized at work…

Can I Refuse to Travel if I’m Pregnant?

If you’re pregnant, business travel can be difficult, especially if you’re having complications. What are your legal rights and what conversation should you have with your boss?

Can my employer discriminate against me based on my hairstyle?

Hello. My name is Jack Tuckner. I’m an Employment Discrimination attorney based in New York City, and a Women’s Rights…

What Can I Do if My Company Won’t Address My Sexual Harassment Complaint?

You’ve made a written complaint to your company about being sexually harassed, but they won’t do anything. What should you do next? What are your options?

Can I be fired for reporting sexual harassment?

You cannot be fired FOR reporting sexual harassment, as that’s illegal retaliation, because the sexual harassment reporting itself is protected activity under United States and your state’s civil rights laws.

What Must a Company Do When a Sexual Harassment Claim is Made?

Once you make a sexual harassment claim to your company, they cannot simply ignore it. Find out what steps the company must take after a claim is made.

How Should I Report Sexual Harassment at Work?

Are you being sexually harassed at work?  We have created a series of educational videos explaining what constitutes illegal workplace sexual harassment, and what you can do if you are being sexually harassed. 
In our second video, New York Employment Attorney Jack Tuckner explains how you should report workplace sexual harassment to management. 

What Should I Do if I’m Being Sexually Harassed at Work?

Learn what constitutes sexual harassment, what you should do to stop it, how to report it, and how to protect your rights in the event of backlash.

U.S. Women’s Soccer Players bring glory; receive less

Women soccer players earn a maximum of $99,000 in total during the course of a 20-games season – $4,950 per game, while the payout for the male players is an average of $263,320, or $13,166 per game.