What Must a Company Do When a Sexual Harassment Claim is Made?

Once you make a sexual harassment claim to your company, they cannot simply ignore it. Find out what steps the company must take after a claim is made.

How Should I Report Sexual Harassment at Work?

Are you being sexually harassed at work?  We have created a series of educational videos explaining what constitutes illegal workplace sexual harassment, and what you can do if you are being sexually harassed. 
In our second video, New York Employment Attorney Jack Tuckner explains how you should report workplace sexual harassment to management. 

What Should I Do if I’m Being Sexually Harassed at Work?

Learn what constitutes sexual harassment, what you should do to stop it, how to report it, and how to protect your rights in the event of backlash.

U.S. Women’s Soccer Players bring glory; receive less

Women soccer players earn a maximum of $99,000 in total during the course of a 20-games season – $4,950 per game, while the payout for the male players is an average of $263,320, or $13,166 per game.

WorldPride NYC 2019: The 50th Anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising

We were at the WorldPride NYC 2019 which commemorated the 50th Anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising yesterday. Following are some photos we took at the event.

Do you have a sex discrimination case that’s valid and worth pursuing?

If you’re experiencing any hostility or differential treatment because you’re a woman in the workplace, you need to document it and put it in writing to your company. You need to complain, to allow your company the opportunity to investigate your protected Civil Rights complaint, and see it your way and remedy the situation.

Complaining about Discrimination in the Workplace

When you complain to your employer, what you have to do is tell your employer. When I say tell, you can tell, you can speak, you will speak, you will be interviewed about it, but make sure it’s all documented.

Elizabeth Warren’s new proposals to ensure reproductive rights are radical, and necessary

Elizabeth Warren’s new proposals to ensure reproductive rights are timely, radical, and necessary.

Diversity in the Boardroom: Minorities and Women Grapple with Wage Gap

According to the latest data released by Catalyst on May 1 this year, whereas in the top S&P 500 companies, women comprise almost 44.7% of the workforce, only 5% of women hold any position equivalent to that of a CEO. Likewise, 89% of top earners in the corporations happen to be men.

Gender Pay Disparity: Overworked Men, Undervalued Women

Current debates on gender gap disparity are timely. Claudia Goldin, an economist at Harvard argues that women don’t step back from work because they have rich husbands; they have rich husbands. because they step back from work.